Things to Do After You Close Your Crowdfunding Campaign

Often in the aftermath of a large accomplishment, a period of low energy and lacklusterness tends to follow. Most of your energy and drive has already been invested in the attainment in the first place and in the wake of it, you quite naturally want to get yourself some rest, some peace and quiet, and some much needed relaxation away from the clamour of the world. You deserve this; there is no question about it. But there is one point worth noting as you withdraw from the world in the wake of your biggest achievements, and that is you cannot afford to cut out the people who helped you in direct and indirect ways to get there.

This is nicely illustrated by what happens to campaigners at the close of a successful crowdfunding India campaign. There is of course the fatigue that comes with being on their toes for a period of anywhere between three weeks and six months, but there’s also the feeling in the campaigner’s heart that they deserve a break now. For medical campaigners, if they were the patient themselves, there will be the act of physical recovery to think about, after an operation or a cycle of serious therapy (for example chemotherapy). That said, it is possible for nearly every campaigner to take out a little time to really wrap up a campaign with finesse.

There are a few things every campaigner of a crowdfunding India fundraiser should do once they have met their goal and collected their funds. Here’s a quick list for your reference:

Thank your donors

This is too obvious. So obvious that chances are you have already done it. The reason we are even including this item on our list is that you can never thank your donors too many times. There are lots of ways you can do this. Social media shout outs are a public but non creepy way of acknowledging your donors generosity and kindness. Another way is to send emails through apps like Mailchimp so one click can let you reach hundreds of recipients in a matter of seconds.

Send personalized notes

Old school campaigners tend to favour this method and it finds success with nearly every single contributor to your campaign, no matter what your cause. Address it to the giver and sign your name at the bottom, with a simple message of gratitude and the words “thank you”.

Consider giving a reward

Rewards could be a small item of merchandise or a photo book or an even a PDF of the organization’s annual report showcasing the progress you have done in a visually interesting way. It’s not about grandiosity; it’s about showing that you’re willing to be transparent and open. Donors appreciate this.

Once you’ve done these things, your crowdfunding India journey is truly over. Pat yourself on the back and relax, now.

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